Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/535

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of' another plant of this mural ?order by Mr. Fraser, curred in N? Sou? W?es, in a ?t of ? mt �e ?t li? a?ut ?e p?ilel ? 31 �m I am ? it is a fim?-? of very lu? dim?us; ?d of Mr. Bro? a naive of New Z?d, u I ju? ? a (w?cb ?e $?i?d ? be ve? ?arly alli? to ?eh o?) s?ms in Austria ? e?st on i? e?n ? ?in a? ?youd ?e tropic, ?d ?e spe?s in ? ?ll?on l?y f?med, ?e referred ? ?n esmblish? ?n? ? wb?h (? ?1onging ? Verdancy) Vi? ?d Pm? am mint ? m?k?le on the No?-?s?m C?st. O[.?bi?m, a new sp?i? o[ ?billardie?'s ?us S?th?s w? di?v?ed upon Dirk Ha?g's Islam, wh?, u ?so at ?ot?est laird, W?u?a was ob?, of s? cid, however, common ? ?e ?u? Co?t. Bo?,ox?s?ome very im?nt umen?eu?, in ?- feren? to the limi? of?n ?ne? o? ?e ?r ?ve ? proposed by Mr. Brown in his Pmdromus, where ?e tactera are ?modelled to the exclusi? of ?ia ?es pr?iously refer?d to ?em by authors. Of Cotdls (? which V?r9n? ? ?nn&, ?d Cerd?a of Eulz and Pavou, have at leng? ?en uni?d,) only two s?ies have ?n found iu Terra Australia, of which one had ?en p?viou?y ? vered in New Caledonia; and during ?e la? roy,s C. orientIls h? been obse?ed oa ?e No?h-wmt ?here u ?ird speS? ofTournefor?a iu complete was discovered; and the Herb?ium contains ?e s?i? of �at sec?on ? He?o?opium, having a simple strict