Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/316

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[CH. XX.

immediately availed himself of the opportunity to seize that also. I looked out of the window, and saw two Indians laden with the furniture, hastening down the street. I was so predisposed in favour of this poor fellow, on account of his blunt honesty, that I seldom interfered with any thing he did, finding that it almost always contributed to my advantage and comfort; but, being doubtful as to the validity of these points, in the present instance, I called him to me, and asked him what he meant by it? "Coliseo, Señor, el coliseo:" "The play, Sir, the play," was his answer. The family were going to the play: this was all right; for the boxes of the theatre had no benches, and it was the custom of the parties who took them, to accommodate themselves with their own chairs. My good hostess had ordered her carriage, and, about five o'clock, we all set off together, a very merry party.

We had the stage box: the curtain was not drawn up, but the house was more than