Page:Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala.djvu/81

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CH. V.]

might have been in jeopardy. The best and safest way of landing on these coasts, if I might offer an opinion, is to pull the boat stem on, till she runs ashore, high and dry; and, if a kedger must be cast to haul her off, the line should be sufficiently long, or else she will be tied down to the buffetting of the waves. I conclude I am right in this opinion, for it was immediately authenticated by the spontaneous observation of the parties ashore, two or three of whom were English merchants resident in Sonsonate. One of them pointed out to me a boat's crew who landed immediately after us from a merchant vessel lying in the roads, and who, from a knowledge of the tremendous nature of these breakers, which will not admit of a boat lying off afloat, had contrived to reach the shore perfectly dry.

The frigate having now fired another salute, the same was returned by the fort, as regularly as its two guns would enable it to do so. It was fortunate that some of my baggage had been sent ashore in the morn-