Page:Narratives of the mission of George Bogle to Tibet.djvu/27

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CHAPTER V. LHASA. PAO«  Visit to the MandAiins 2d8 Lodgings at Lhasa 259 DifSculties in talking Chinese 260 Continned sulky conduct of the Munshi 260 Visits to the Thalung and to the Mandarins 261

CHAPTER VI. VISIT TO THE GBAND LAMA. Preparation of pfresents 263 RidetoPotala — reception 264 Audience of the Grand Lama 265 Practice as a physician 267 Visit to a crazy Mandarin 267 CHAPTER VII. STORY OF THE RIOT— EXECUTION OF A GOOD MANDARIN. Scuffle between a Tihetan and Chinaman 271 Conspiracy against an upright magistrate. His execution 272 Lhasa looked on as banishment 278 Bad character of mandarins sent to Lhasa 274

CHAPTER VIII. RESIDENCE AT LHASA. Spies. Anger of Mr. Manning 275 Interrogatories 276 Hopes of continuing the journey 277 Uneasiness of the Munshi 278 Unpleasant anticipations of being executed 279 Reception of patients 280 Altercation with a patient 281 Newlodgings 282 Misconduct of the Mimshi. Inattention of serTants 284 Visit to a Thalung's mother 285 Visit to the physician of the Dalai Lama 286 Want of money : * 287 Second Tisit to the Dalai Lama 288 Visit to the temples 289 Toleration 291b2