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and with their faces turned to the East made obeisance three times, and three times raised lamentation.

Winter, 10th month, 22nd day. The Prince Imperial, accompanied by the Ministers and public functionaries, as well as by the Governors of provinces, and the Kuni no Miyakko, together with common people, both men and women, began the construction of the Oho-uchi Misasagi.

12th month, 10th day. Tomi, Michi no Mabito, of Jiki-kwō-san rank, was appointed Imperial Envoy for the entertainment of the Silla guests.

This year was the year Hinoto I (24th) of the Cycle.

A.D. 688. 2nd year, 1st month, 1st day. The Prince Imperial, accompanied by the Ministers and public functionaries, went to the Palace of temporary interment and made lamentation.

2nd day. A company of priests made lament at the Palace of temporary interment.

8th day. A public great congregation[1] was held in the Temple of Yakushi.

23rd day. The decease of the Emperor was formally (XXX. 7.) announced to Kim Sang-nim and his colleagues. Kim Sang-nim and his colleagues thereupon made lament three times.

2nd month, 2nd day. The Viceroy presented the tribute from Silla. It consisted of such things as gold and silver, thin silks, cloth, skins, copper, and iron—more than ten articles in all. There were also presented separately such things as images of Buddha, all kinds of coloured fine silks, birds, and horses, more than ten articles in all. Sang-nim's presents were gold and silver, coloured stuffs, and all manner of rarities, altogether more than eighty articles.

10th day. Sang-nim and his colleagues were entertained in the Tsukushi Government House, and received presents of various values.

16th day. A decree was issued, as follows:—"In future, on all days of national mourning it is absolutely necessary that abstinence should be practised."[2]

29th day. Sang-nim and his colleagues took their departure.

  1. Of priests.
  2. Some make this refer to a monthly fast on the day of the Emperor's decease, others to an annual observance.