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tually conducted, and sufficiently flavored at all times to sustain the interest of those in attendance.

Notwithstanding adverse weather and road conditions, when President Cupler struck the gavel for the opening of the first day’s session there were more in attendance than could be shown by the total registration for any other meeting in five years, and the final registration figures showed up at 173 instead of the usual 60 or 70.

Space can not be given to a detailed account of the convention, but mention will be made from time to time in Bar Briefs of some of the more important matters discussed and acted upon. Proceedings of the annual meeting will also be published in pamphlet form, as heretofore.

  • The following officers were elected:
  • President—C. L. Young, Bismarck.
  • Vice-President—W. A. McIntyre, Grand Forks.
  • Secretary-Treasurer—R. E. Wenzel, Bismarck.


As usual, the alarm clock wasn’t alarming.

The weather was very unusual at the country club program. According to John Lewis the Inns of Court were mostly cellar.

For some reason or other the winner of the golf tournament wasn’t officially announced.

Judge Bagley received no answer to his question of who in................ wants to be an Englishman.

There was only one dissenting vote on the question of making "Off the Record" a permanent institution.

A little verbal conflagration got started towards closing time but appearances overrated its seriousness.

If Lee Combs wasn’t at the American Bar Association meeting, he has acquired a wonderful imagination.

Judge McKenna demonstrated for the third time that he is an expert in the verbal lubrication of dry subjects.

“Matt” Murphy never was in better form than while engaged in the delightful occupation of vending bouquets.

“Bill” Nolan, as he was quite generally called, very gracefully accepted the nomination for Governor of Minnesota.