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Federal Judge Jeremiah Neterer of Washington recently denied the application of one Gust Olson for citizenship. Olson acknowledged that he was a member of the I. W. W., contended that there was no conflict between its principles and the Constitution of the United States, and had the requisite number of character witnesses. He refused, however, to state that he would support the Constitution in any and all circumstances under which it might conflict with the principles laid down by the I. W. W.

In announcing the decision, Judge Neterer compared the by-laws of this organization with the preamble of the Constitution, and then continued:

“The organization recognizes no country and knows no flag, whereas the object of the Constitution of the United States is to insure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, etc. It, therefore, recognizes labor and capital. Aliens, seeking citizenship, must swear to support and defend it against all enemies. We can’t have a divided allegiance. Citizenship is a privilege, and to obtain it one must show love for the adopted country. The petitioner has not met the test.”


“For many years there has been a demand on the part of members of the Association for an organized co-operative buying of office supplies and printing, it being the opinion of those in favor of the plan that the lawyers could save much money by pooling their purchases.

“Accordingly I appointed a committee to act in this matter. Mr. John P. Conmy, of Fargo, is Chairman of that Committee.

“Every member of the Bar has received a letter from this committee outlining its plan. With that letter each member received a blank, upon which an estimate of the quantity required could be designated. If you are interested, please fill out and return this estimate to Mr. Conmy immediately.

“If there is a desire on the part of the members of the Bar to further this plan, it will be carried out by the committee. The committee must know your wishes at once, and I ask that you write Mr. Conmy NOW.”

A. W. CUPLER, President.

(We renew our previous suggestion, also, that you return the estimate sheets with the notation “None Required” or “None Desired,” if you are not favorably disposed to the plan.)