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It is expected from pledges made by senators and representatives that congress will pass the measure giving the supreme court power to make rules on the law side as well as the equity side of federal courts.

It appears that the movement for more rigid requirements for admission to the bar is rapidly gaining favor in states in which only two or three years ago it had scant support among the members of the profession.

Our state association now has a committee on Cooperation with the Press whose function it will be to enlist the interest and service of the press in improving the administration of justice and to assure the dis- semination of accurate information regarding judicial matters. The first report of the judicial council of Massachusetts was filed recently.

A primer for jurors has been prepared by Judge William B. Carswell of the New York Supreme Court. The practice of giving formal instructions to jurors regarding their powers and duties as officers of the court should become general.

Thos. W. Shelton, one of the organizers of the Judicial Section of the American Bar Association, is preparing a book on the practical operation of the English Courts. He was granted special favors by the English Bar to enable him to make a personal study of the procedure there.

The Governor of Minnesota has ordered an investigation of the entire machinery of law enforcement of that state and has appointed a group of twenty-five prominent citizens to conduct the inquiry. The action was prompted by the general crime situation and calls for suggestions as to changes in law and court rules and the machinery of justice to secure more adequate results.

The United States Chamber of Commerce has distributed a pamphlet which in a few pages sets out clearly the substance and meaning of the Locarno Treaties.

The mid-winter examinations for admission to the bar will open on January 12th, at Bismarck. There are fourteen applicants for admission.

The bar examiners of Vermont at their last examination used a research test in, connection with the subject of common law pleading, with a view to judging the ability of applicants in using the authorities, each applicant having access to a library.