Page:North Dakota Reports (vol. 1).pdf/197

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is written.’ That said application referred to in said policy contained the following provision: ‘The statements above made by me, and answers to the questions above given, are true, and a warranty on my part, and are the basis upon which I ask hail insurance, by the Dakota Fire & Marine Insurance Company, on the crops herein described.’ Defendant avers that said application contained the following questions and answers, viz: ‘Are your lands incumbered? If yes, for how much? Answer. $300. What is the land worth per acre? A. $20. Are the crops on the above-described land mortgaged or otherwise incumbered? If so, for how much? A. No.’ Defendant avers that each of said questions and answers was material ‘information to be known by the defendant, in order to determine the desirability of the risk, and the rate of premium to be paid therefor. And defendant, upon information and belief, avers that the said land was incumbered in excess of $300, and that the said land was not worth $20 per acre, or in any sum greater than $10 per acre, and that the crop described on said land was mortgaged and incumbered, and that defendant made false answers to each of said questions; that in truth and fact the said teal estate was mortgaged by two mortgages, amounting to something like $1,110, prior to 1884, and that said real estate was also mortgaged to F. R. Fulton, about November, 1884, in an amount greatly in excess of $300, all of which was in full force at the time of issuing of said policy; that in truth and in fact there was a chattel mortgage upon said grain to F. R. Fulton, to secure a sum of about $700, which mortgage was a lien upon said growing grain, and that there were other chattel mortgages upon said grain in force at the time of issuing said policy; that by reason of such false statements the said policy was void. And defendant for further answer, and by way of counter-claim, alleges that on the dates hereinafter mentioned the defendant was and is a corporation organized under the laws of the territory of Dakota; that on the Ist day of June, 1885, the said plaintiff, W. E: Johnson, made, executed, and delivered to this defendant his certain promissory note in words and figures as follows, viz: ‘$70. For value received, I promise to pay to the Dakota Fire & Marine Insurance Company or order