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Rule I.

Clerk's office, where.] Until otherwise directed by a rule of court, the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall keep his office at the capital of the state. When absent from the capital, the office shall be kept open, and the duties of the Clerk shall be performed by a deputy. The Clerk shall not practice as an attorney or counselor.

Rule II.

Clerk, Duties of.] He shall keep a complete record of the proceedings of the court, and shall perform all the duties pertaining to his office. He must not allow any written opinion of the court, or any original record or paper pertaining to his office, to be taken therefrom without an order from the court, or one of the judges thereof. He shall promptly announce, by letter, any decision rendered or order entered in any cause or matter, to one of the attorneys of each side, when such attorneys are not in attendance upon the court.

Rule III.

Clerk's fees, deposit of.] The appellant, on bringing a cause to this court, shall, at or before the filing of the record, deposit with the Clerk of said court the sum of eight dollars, to apply on his fees; and in all cases (except habeas corpus) originally brought in this court, the plaintiff or petitioner, at or before the filing of the first papers in the case, shall deposit with the Clerk the same amount for the same purpose.

Rule IV.

Notice of appeal, how served.] The notice of appeal shall be served in the manner indicated by Section 4 of an act regulating appeals, approved February 11, 1891, and Chapter 23 of the