Page:North Dakota Reports (vol. 3).pdf/375

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I did not talk with Mr. Huelster. I had nothing to do with these bonds. Q. Did Mr. Beckman tell you before the bonds were sold that he had agreed to sell these bonds to Mr. Ingersoll for 95 cents on the dollar? (Plaintiff's counsel objects to the question on the grounds that it is heresay and incompetent. Objection overruled, to which ruling the plaintiff, by his counsel, duly excepted.) A. He did. Mr. Beckman did the bargaining. Mr. Beckman took full charge and control of procuring all the blanks and negotiating the sale of these bonds. Q. You may state whether or not Mr. Beckman made any statement to you in regard to the fact as to whether Mr. C. T. Ingersoll was to purchase these bonds or simply negotiate for the township. (The plaintiff's counsel objected to the question on the ground that it is incompetent and immaterial and hearsay.” The court overruled this objection, to which ruling the plaintiff, by its counsel, duly excepted.) A. He was going to sell them for the district. Q. Did Mr. Beckman ever tell you that? A. He did. Since these bonds were placed there I have been there once a week, to se if the funds for them had been returned; and until I got a little money from him, and an order for the material to build the school house, no money was received from the bank. At the time the bonds were left there by the board, I communicated my inability to collect the proceeds of these bonds to the other members of the board after my trips to Grand Rapids and attempts to collect. Talked with Beckman from time to time about it. We talked about it sometimes twice a week. The order for material that Mr. Ingersoll gave was taken to the lumber yard and figured out. Mr. Beckman took it there. I went along. We both went together. He was the clerk. The amount received by the town- ship on that order was $216. By the Court: Who took this order to the lumber yard? A. I and Mr. Beckman. We both took it. Do not know who it was given to. They delivered the lumber to Mr. Beckman, and the farmers went together and hauled it out. After these bonds were issued, did not give any additional bond to cover the amount to be received from their