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as the negligence alleged and in all points refutes it, it is for the trial court to pass upon the question and withdraw it from the consideration of the jury. R. R. v. Reese, 85 Ala. 497; Telley v. R. R., 49 Ark. 535; R. R. v. Quantance, 58 lll. 389; R. R. v. Clampit, 63 Ill. 95; R. R. v. Campbell, 86 Ill. 443; R. Rv. Goyette, 133 Ill. 121; Railroad vy. Gibson, 42 Kan. 34; R. R. v. Brinkman, 64 Md. 52; Hoffman v. Railroad, 43 Minn. 334; Wise v. Railroad, 85 Mo. 178; Railroad v. Westover, 4 Neb. 68; Searles v. Railroad, 101 N. Y. 662; Cleveland v. Railroad, 42 Vt. 449; Spaulding v. Railroad, 30 Wis. 110; Contra. Ganda v. Chicago, etc., R. Co., 30 la. 20; Babcock v. R. R. Co., 17 N. W. Rep. 909; S. C., 13 N. W. Rep. 740; 28 N. W. Rep. 644. If sparks escape without negligence and inflict damage, the result must be borne by the party suffering the loss. Pelke v. R. R. Co., 5 Dak. 444; White v. R. R. Co., (S.D.) 47 N. W. Rep. 146; Gram v. R. R. Co., 1 N. D. 252; Johnson v. R. R. Co., 1 N. D. 354. Accident must be shown to have happened by defendant’s negligence in order that it be held. The Nellie Flagg, 23 Fed. Rep. 671; Cooley on Torts, 670; Rudolph v. Fuchs, 44 How. Pr. 155; Houfe v. Fulton, 29 Wis. 296; Fernandez v. R. R. Co., 52 Cal. 45; Garrett v. Railroad, 77 Am. Dec. 423; Gagg v. Vetter, 13 Am. Rep. 322; Baulec v. Railroad, 59 N. Y. 356; Commissioners v. Clark, 4 Otto 278. The presumption of negligence arising from proof of setting out of fire having been overcome by evidence, showing that the most approved appliances for preventing the escape of sparks were in use, that they were in good order and the engine carefully managed and operated by competent servants, the plaintiff cannot recover unless he then proves other acts of negligence which caused the fire to escape. Wise v. Joplin, 85 Mo. 178; Railroad Co. v. Pennell, 110 Il. 437; 1 Thomp. on Neg. 155, Montgomery v. Muskegon, 50 N. W. Rep. 729.

Samuel L. Glaspel, for respondent.

The defendant by not returning the notice of trial and not making prompt objection thereto and not being misled thereby, waived any defects therein, Waits N. Y. Code, 448, note d; Ins.