Page:North Dakota Reports (vol. 48).pdf/252

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to accept the same; that plaintiff refused to become responsible for his son’s indebtedness, and that Cashman sold the claim to one Christianson, or the State Bank of Minnewaukan; that in April, 1908, Kitsey G. Burdick, wife of the plaintiff, conveyed 560 acres of land in Benson county to Jessie James, who thereupon went into possession; that, in May, 1908, through threats and duress, Christianson procured from Kitsey G. Burdick a note for $217, payable to the State Bank of Minnewaukan, for the claim against the minor; that, in August, 1908, Kitsey G. Burdick, after consulting an attorney, received advice to be adjudged a bankrupt, and thereupon, pursuant to proceedings, she was adjudged a bankrupt; that Christianson thereupon had himself appointed as trustee in bankruptcy, and instituted proceedings to set aside the deed from Kitsey G. Burdick to Jessie James; that subsequently Christianson died, and, upon application of the State Bank, the defendant Buttz was appointed trustee instead; that, in 1911, the defendants Buttz and Sinness, lawyers, forced such action to trial, and the same, in March, 1912, was dismissed by the district court; that from September, 1908, until March, 1912, the plaintiff and his wife resided in northern Canada, and were in this state for only short visits; that they believed that the decision by the trial court ended the matter, and vested the title in Jessie James; that in the spring of 1911, the defendant Aaker, as managing officer of the defendant Mercantile Company, employed the defendants Buttz and Sinness to collect the debt against John James and Jessie James, and that, pursuant to action, judgment was obtained against Jolin James and Jessie James for $811.79 on or about November 14, 1911; that subsequently the defendants Buttz and Sinness caused execution to be issued against the property of John James and Jessie James, and levied upon the grain raised upon the lands mentioned in 1912 and applied the same upon the judgment; that subsequently the defendant Buttz, who had become district judge, confirmed the sale; that there still remained upon the judgment unpaid about $900; that in November, 1913, the defendant Sinness issued an execution on the judgment, made a levy upon the land mentioned, and caused the same to be sold for some $869 to the defendant Mercantile Company; that the defendant Buttz, as district judge, in December, 1913, confirmed the sale; that during such time the plaintiff and his wife were living in Canada, and had no notice of the sale of the land until the fall of 1914; that in the meantime Jessie James had conveyed the land to the plaintiff; that the plaintiff, in 1914, had rented the land to Johnson; in October, 1914,