Page:North Dakota Reports (vol. 48).pdf/498

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the relator came to the state’s attorney’s office, and that for some reason it was deemed necessary to have a conference at some other time, and that the state’s attorney made an appointment to have the relator call at some subsequent date, and that the relator failed to appear at the time of such appointment. This is the only tangible -proposition presented by the state’s attorney.

The statute provides:

“In all prosecutions for crime, except as hereinafter provided, where the defendant has pleaded or been found guilty, and where the court or magistrate has power to sentence such defendant to the penitentiary, and it appears that the defendant has never before been imprisoned for crime, either in this state or elsewhere (but detention in an institution for juvenile delinquents shall not be considered imprisonment), and where it appears to the satisfaction of the court or magistrate that the character of the defendant and circumstances of the case are such that he is not likely again to engage in an offensive course of conduct, and where it may appear that the public good. does not demand or require that the defendant shall suffer the penalty imposed by law, said court or magistrate may suspend the execution of the sentence, and place the defendant on probation in the manner hereinafter provided.” § 10950, C. L. 1913.

“Whenever a sentence to the penitentiary has been imposed, but the execution thereof has been suspended and the defendant placed on probation, the effect of such order shall be to place said defendant under the control and management of the board of trustees of the penitentiary, and he shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as apply to persons paroled from the penitentiary after a period of imprisonment therein.”’ § 10952, C. L. 1913.

“Whenever it is the judgment of the court that the defendant be placed upon probation, and under the supervision of the penitentiary, it shall be the immediate duty of the clerk of the said court to make a full copy of the judgment of the court, with the order for the suspension of the execution of the sentence thereunder, and the reasons therefor, and to certify the same to the warden of the penitentiary, to which the court would have committed the defendant but for the suspension of the sentence. Upon entry in the records of the court of the order for such probation, the defendants shall be released from custody of the court as soon as the requirements and conditions of the board of trustees