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lations governing the conduct of the inmates applying for a parole and the manner in which they may become eligible for discharge or parole. It shall also be the duty of the Board of Experts to meet once in each month and to keep a complete record of all the inmates discharged or paroled by them and to make a biennial report to the State Board of Control of all inmates paroled who have been discharged, and statistics pertaining thereto.” Chap. 233, Laws I9Q15.

In this case there is no question but that the sentence passed upon the relator was suspended, and he placed upon probation under the applicable statutory provisions. Nor is there any question but that he complied with the requirements and conditions of the Board of Experts. It is contended by the attorney for the respondent in this case that a person who has been paroled or placed on probation has no civil rights, that he still remains a convicted felon, and that he is not entitled to invoke the writ of habeas corpus. In our judgment this argument is wholly unsound. Manifestly when a sentence is suspended and the defendant placed on probation upon certain conditions, and subject to certain rules and regulations, certain obligations are placed or imposed upon the party so placed on probation, and incidentally certain rights or privileges are vested in or conferred upon him. See Church on Habeas Corpus 2d ed. §§ 458-458e. On the one hand if he violates the conditions the probation may be terminated and the sentence which has been suspended be enforced. On the other hand if the person who has been so placed on probation continues in good faith to comply with the conditions imposed he is certainly entitled to enjoy the rights and privileges which have been thus conferred upon him. It will be noted that our laws specifically provide that the probation may be terminated only “after a full investigation and a personal hearing.” (§ 10956 C. L. 1913). And the Board of Experts is required to “keep a complete record of all the findings and orders of the Board.” Chap. 233 Laws 1915. In this case the evidence is undisputed that the Board of Experts have not found that the relator has violated any of the rules or regulations of the board of experts, nor has any order been entered directing the probation to be terminated. On the contrary the members of the Board of Experts specifically testified that it had not been shown to them that the relator had violated any of the rules or regulations under which he was at liberty; that they had not so found, and that on the contrary whatever finding