Page:North Dakota Reports (vol. 48).pdf/558

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in the amount of $750, for a term of three years from February 21, 1916. This policy was a renewal of like insurance theretofore written by the defendant in February, 1913, for the plaintiff's wife, and thereafter transferred by the defendant to the plaintiff upon the decease of his wife. The dwelling was situated upon 160 acres of land in Dunn county, which formerly was the United States government homestead of the plaintiff’s wife, and thereafter passed to the plaintiff upon her decease. Plaintiff’s title was quieted by judgment dated May 20, 1916. This house was a one-story building about 12x20, with a rubberoid roofing, and contained two rooms. The plaintiff and his wife fully occupied this building as their home until her death, which occurred, apparently, shortly prior to the year 1914. Then, pursuant to plaintiff’s testimony, he continued to live in the house, and occupied the same up until the time of its destruction by fire. He worked for his father, who lived about 11/2 miles distant from his place, and frequently stayed there. In this dwelling remained the household furniture and plaintiff’s personal belongings. When this policy was written there were unsatisfied mortgages existing against the land. Later these mortgages were satisfied. Plaintiff placed a new real estate mortgage upon the land. He also issued a warranty deed, which was used, pursuant to his testimony, for purposes of security only. Plaintiff testified that the soliciting agent of the defendant knew about the mortgages when the application was received. Notice of loss was given to the defendant by plaintiff’s affidavit to the effect that he was absent from the premises from the morning of December 4 until the afternoon of December 6, 1918, and that the property was burned during his absence. In plaintiff's proof of loss he claimed 250 mechanical books. At the trial he testified that the fire occurred during the latter part of November; that at the time he was away in Dickinson; absent from the premises four days, and that the loss by fire occurred during such absence. He testified that he only had 32 mechanical books, and the statements of notice of loss and proof of loss were incorrect in the respects mentioned. The defendant introduced testimony to the effect that from the month of March until the middle of August, 1917, there was no one about plaintiff's premises; that the windows were boarded up; the doors closed; no lights were seen there at night, and there were no signs of occupancy; further, that in the year 1916 the plaintiff lived during one whole month at his father’s place.