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fits of this act during the period of such noncompliance, but shall be li- able to their employees for damages suffered by reason of injuries sustained in the course of employment, and also to the personal representatives of such employees where death results from such injuries.”

The defendant did fail to comply with §§ 6 and 7, and hence was not entitled to the benefits of the act during the period of noncompliance. He thus became liable in an action at law for damages occasioned by his negligence, if any, and that action would be such as is provided by § 8321, C. L. 1913.

If it be so conceded, as we think it must, that such right of action against the employer in the conditions mentioned in § 11 still remains, we think the action may be brought in the manner provided by § 8323, C. L., as amended by chap. 106 of the Session Laws of 1917. In other words, the right of action being preserved, so are the remedies to enforce it: hence we think the father was the proper party to maintain the action.

We are of the opinion that plaintiff's first cause of action is a proper one, that he has legal right to maintain it, and that the question of defendant’s negligence, under the evidence, is a question of fact for the jury.

The judgment from which appeal was taken is reversed, and the case is remanded for a new trial. Appellant is entitled to his costs and disbursements on appeal.

Birdzell, J., concurs.

Bronson, J. (concurring specially). Section 1, chap. 162 Laws 1919 (Workmen’s Compensation Fund), provides as follows:

“The state of North Dakota, exercising herein its police and sovereign powers, hereby declares that the prosperity of the state depends in a large measure upon the well-being of its wage workers, and, therefore, for workmen injured in hazardous employments, and their families and dependents, sure and certain relief is hereby provided regardless of questions of fault and to the exclusion of every other remedy, proceeding or compensation, except as otherwise provided in this act; and to that end all civil actions and civil causes of action for such personal injuries and all jurisdiction of the courts of the state over such causes are hereby abolished, except as in this act provided.”