Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/11

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s. in. JAN. 7, 1905.] NOTES AND QUERIES.

sua in meo tenemento predicto & heredibus suis ita tanien quod Johannes predictus & heredes sui solvant aut solutum faciant Thome p'tryche filio meo predicto heredibus & executoribus suis unam porcionem terre ad quantitatem mei dimidii tenement! [? one word] inter vicinos videbitur dividi. Insuper volo quod quis filiorum meorum super vixit quod ille habeat sibi aut here- dibus suis filiis ant filiabus imperpetnom. Et si sorte aliquis filiorum meorum decesserit absque [? licita] procreatione quod ex [?four words] tene- mentum meum cum omnibus suis pertinentiis vendatur <fc denarios ex eo provenientes dispo- iiandos pro me uxore mea <fc parentibus meis. Item lego Johanne filie mee predicte unum campum qui vocatnr overyard quod sicut supra ilium donuim edificet sibi & heredibus suis imperpetuum ita lumen quod per campum predictum habeat via pedestrium [?one word] que ad ecclesiam. Insuper volo quod si executores mei non habeant in mobi- libus unde pro me disponant quod vendant unam peciam terre & pecunia inde provenienti disponant prout Salute Anime mee videbitur expedire. Et si Aliquis filiorum meorum voluerit illam porti- onem terre comparare volo quod illi emant pro aliis lego Thome filio Johannis verrey in pecuniis xx* vel aliquod aliud ad valorem illius pecunie. Item volo quod le g a vell pitte que jacet in pastura que vocatur subfen quod exspendatur in emendandum viam quod regiam & Alias non nisi conveniant cum executoribus meis. Residuum vero de executoribus viz. Thome Blosse seniori de Schotley Thome p'tryche filio meo & Johanui filio meo quod ipsi disponant pro salute Anime mee uti deo duce videbitur. In omnisrei testimonium sigillum meum apposui data die & Anno supra dictis hiis [his] testibus Johanne pand' Symone merche Adam bunsch. Item lego & do Thome p'trych filio meo le wor' [*K.] growml apud fyschbane & quod habeat siuun placitum in omnibus terris meis viz. venando volucres capiendo.

Probatum &c. coram nobis apud Gippewicum ultimo die meusis Januarii Anno domini supra dictp. Et commissa &c. Thome Blosse & Thome p'trich' executoribus juratis &c. Reservata [potes- tate] Alleri coexecutori cum venerit &c.

No. III.

(Book XL, fo. 53". )

In the name of god Amen. And in the yere of our lord god M 1 ccccc xxxij the xxiiij u Daye of August I John P'tryche of Shotley in the Countie of Boffin theDiocise of Norwich yeman beyng in good memorye att that tyme lauded be god make this my testament and last Will fErst I bequeth my soule to the blessed Trinite our blissed ladye and to all the holie companye of hevyn. And my bodie to be buried in the cherch yerde of Shotley. Also I bequeth to the highe Aulter of the said cherch for my oblacions and tythes forgoten iijs; iiijrf. Also I bequeth to my mother cherch of Norwich iiijtf. Also I Will that myn Executors shall honestlie bury me and kepe my xxx" Daye and my yere Daye. Also I Will that myn Wyff shall haue terme of her lyff myn tenement that I clwelle in W' all the londes therto belongyng And all my other tenements <fc londes both fre and copye Where so euyr they Do lye Durying hir lyff naturall and keping hir selff a wedowe. Also I Will aft r my Wyffs deth that Margaret my Doughter haue my teneme't callyd Harlyuggs and Popys felde somtyme Jamys Brausyu. Also I Will aft r the

Decease of my Wyff the said Margaret shall haue a close called Shorte londe close. Also I Will that aft r my Wyffs deth Which of my two Doughters Elizabeth and Margaret be habelest [ablest, most able] to by my house that I dwelle in W the Close the yerdys and gardeyn plottys therto belongyng conteyneng by estimation, iiij acres more or lesse payeng to there susters than beyng a lyve or to there children of there bodies laufullye begoton v markys starlyng to eu'y suster that is to seye eu'y yere vjs. viijrf. to eu'y oon of them till the s'm of x& be paide equallie to them or to there children. Yf ony of myn Doughters Dye be fore there mother that than I Will that there susters than beyng a lyve shall haue porcion and parte equallye to be deuyded be twyxt them or there children beyng a lyve yf ony they haue lauful- lye begoton As is before Writon. Also I bequeth to the said Elizabeth my Doughter aft r her mothers deth oon acre in newecroft callyd Dorokys acre w* all the residue in the same felde. Also I bequeth to the said Elizabeth aft r hir mothers dethe a medowe callyd brodrushe Rye close & also [?f]ulsen o'y Wyse called heyclose. And [fo. 53 b ] yf all my doughters dye or there mother than I will that all my nouses & londes whereso euyr they lye be solde aft r my wyffs deth by her executors or assignors And the money thereof comyng to be disposed in messys and dedys of charite most pleasing god and for saluacon of our soulys and all cristen soulys. Reseruyd ahvey to there children yf ony they haue than beyng a lyve v markys a pece growyng & comyng of the sale of all myn tene- ments & londes a fore writen. Also I bequeth to my Wyff all myn moveabillys to do w' them what she will payeng my dettys and p'formyng this my last will and testament. Also I requyre all my Eoffeoffers in all my said houses & londes to deliue' estate whan they shalbe requyred to the p'formaunce of this my last will and testament [? one word] I make & ordeyn myn executrices my Wyff Elizabeth myn doughter and Margarett to se this my last will p'formyd. Also I will that my Wyff shall have my Close called Parmentars otherwise callyd Bettys close in fee simple that is to geue and to selle. And also I will that John Smyth my godson shall haue iij.. iiijrf. And also I do faythfullie requyre and desire the p'son of Er%varton S' Nycoll to be sup'viso 1 and assistent to my executrices in good councell to the p'formaunce of this my last will and testament & he to haue vjv. viijtf. In witnesse whereof I haue putt to my scale In the p'sence of Thomas Blosse and George Warre w* other mo. Also I will that if ony of my doughters stryve w* other or with my executrix so that this my last will shall be hendered & take noon effecte or onysute to be made that than I will that hir parte shalbe deuyded & go equallie to the Residue of hir susters non stry vyng. Be it knowen to all men that 1 syr John Jermyn priest att the instaunce of the good man p'trych [? end wanting].

Proved at Ipswich, 27 Sept., 1532, by the execu- trixes.

No. IV. ( Book X III., fo. 51\)

In the name of god amen. I Margery Partrych Syngylwoman of Shotteley beyng in good mynd & hole memory the xxvj te day of March in the yere of o r Lord god M'ccccc xxxviij te make of last will and Testament in this man' folowyng ffyrst I bequeth my Soule to Allmyghtie god my maker & to o'