Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/638

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, IPOS.

Estates held by peculiar tenures, 389

Esturmy or Sturmy family, 16, 73

Eton, monks of St. Ebbald at, 47, 111

Eton House, Kent, and the David family, 290

Etymologies, popular, of old homilists, 7 ; fanciful, 365

Euripides: Greek and Latin references to 'Electra,'

47 ; and the nightingale's song, 354 Europe, racial problem, 145, 218, 233, 274, 394, 474 Evans (G. E.) on Kirkstead Chapel, Lines, 35

Thirkell or Threlkeld family, 74 Evans (J.) on Hamlet as a Christian name, 156 Evelyn (John), plan for rebuilding London, 166, 193 Examination, competitive, Macaulay on, 169, 237 Executioners, public, 244, 335, 353, 376 Exeter Hall, its history and closing, 127, 215, 336, 371 Exodus, Sabbath changed at, 490 F. on authors of quotations, ] 34 F. (F. J.) on English players in Germany, 305 F. (G. M.) on Welsh heraldry, 330 F. (H. B.) on authors of quotations, 269

Vitremyte, 229

F. (J. T.) on chrisom, baptismal robe, 457 Liphook folk-lore, 486 Mediaeval games of children, 456 Motto : " In God is all," 353 Musical services on church towers, 96 F. (S.) on Sudlow family, 476 F. (T.) on Carlyle's 'French Kevolution,' 428

Erasmus's ape, 107

' Face of Clay,' novel by H. A. Vachell, its title, 508 Fairchild family, 329, 436

Fairfax (Ferdinando), B.A. 1697, date of his death, 450 Fairs, beer sold without a licence at, 232, 294 Farjeon (B. L.) and Sir William Treloar, 287, 333 Farrah (Mary), authoress, her address, 387 February 30, in Northants registers, 330 Federer (C. A.) on wooden cups in East Anglia, 332 Feeding-bottle: suck-bottle, the names, 190, 256, 355 Felpham, Hayley and Blake at, 231, 277 Feltria, lines attributed to Caesar on, 69, 332 Ferguson (Donald) on incached, 90, 273

Moon and crabs, 317 Ferrers (Anne)=Nathaniel Hodson, 150 Fete di Felici Cornutelli at Rome, 309 Fetherston (William), alias Constable, his claim to

the Crown, 1554, 489

Fetter Lane chapels, 26, 111, 194, 235. 305, 502 "ffree Roberds," Surrey tenement, c. 1629, 508 Fife-boy, use of the compound, 127 Fifty dole, meaning of the term, 430 Figure : figure it out, use of the words, 187 Fire kept burning on the hearth, 340 Fire: fire-out, use of the words, 37, 454 Fireplaces or chimneys, houses without, 29 Fishwick (Col. H.) on "sincke of Popery," 387 Fit, preterite and participle of " to fight, 204 Fiteres=rags, its cognates, 31 Fitzgerald (Rev. Edward), c. 1718, Dissenting Ulster

minister, 428 FitzGerald (J. E.) on authors of quotations, 374

Gamester's superstition, 391 Fitzroy (George), Duke of Northumberland, and his

duchess, 289, 352 Fleet Street : No. 7, its history, 248, 350, 411, 478 ;

No. 9, its history, 441 Fleetwood (Baron George), 1630, his portrait, 488

Fleetwood family of Sweden, 488

Fleming (R.), and slaying of Red Comyn, 310, 456

Fleming family, 289

Fletcher (W. G. D.) on Bishop John Best, 1 12

" Hospitatus " in Domesday, 208

Shrewsbury clock : " Point of war," 96 'Flying Post,' 1699, and Sir W. Temple's letters, 21 Foat (F. W. G.) on punctuation in MSS., 222 Folk-lore :

Bee, 329

Brittany, 409

Cat, 227

Chinese Cat, 15

Chough, 388

Devonshire, 127

Diamonds and goat's blood, 270, 356, 456

Elder-bush, 131, 211, 314, 475

Horseshoes, 210

Lady-bird, 9, 116

Legless spirits, 168, 277

Life-star, 34

Liphook, 486

Lithuanian, 168, 277

Lizard with two tails, 328, 391

Moon and mollusca, 186, 317

Moorish love-charm, 486

Nightingale and death, 57, 192, 354

Seaweed needing rain, 388

Twins, 54

Folk-songs, Provencal, Victor Hugo on, 488 Foord (A. S.) on Beulah Spa, Upper Norwood, 508 Foote (Samuel), his comedies, 141 Forbes family of Culloden, 250 Ford (C. Lawrence) on authors of quotations, 272

' Childe Harold,' 495 Ford family of Stourbridge, 282, 462 Foster (C. W.) on " Restraynte " of " the towne?," 47 Foster (H. J.) on Fetter Lane chapels, 502 Fothergill (Gerald) on Highlanders barbadosed, 136, 176

Marshall's 'Genealogist's Guide,' 153

Race-horses in seventeenth century, 207 Fouche" on Mary Stuart, 49 Foxglove called rapper, 178 Foxton (John), public executioner, d. 1829, 246 Framework Knitters, Worshipful Company of, their

almshouses, 426 France, samplers in, 428, 497 Francis (J. C.) on 'City Press,' 81, 103, 122, 142

Elim Chapel, Fetter Lane, 305

Hodgson's, 1807-1907, 246, 266

Puttick & Simpson, 863

Thames Embankment, its originators, 193 Francis (Sir Richard), knighted 1399, 409 Freemasonry, early organized, 425 French alphabetical skit, 1818, 485 French ballads inquired after, 89 French camp at Sandgate, or Sandgatte, 218 French-Canadian literature, 29, 57, 173 French Emigre's in London, 189 French refugee bishops in England, 87, 149, 171 French Testament, 1551, 108 Frenchman on Gourbillon, 170 Frittars or greaves of the whale, 36 Frost (F. C.) on arms, 1653, 415

Drake (Eleanor, Lady), 415