Page:Notes and Queries - Series 1 - Volume 1.djvu/319

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Mar. 9. 1850.]

Journeyman.—Three or four years since, a paragraph went the round of the press, deriving the English word "journeyman" from the custom of travelling among work-men in Germany. This derivation is very doubtful? Is it not a relic of Norman rule, from the French journée, signifying a day-man. In support of this, it may be observed, that the German name for the word in question is Tagelöhner, or day-worker. It is also well known, that down to a comparatively recent period, artisans and free labourers were paid daily. Gomer.

Balloons.—In one of your early numbers you mention the History of Ringwood, &c. Many years since I sent to a periodical (I cannot recollect which) a circumstance connected with that town, which I never heard or read of anywhere, and which, as it is rather of importance, I forward to you in hopes that some of your correspondents may be able to throw some light upon it. When my father was in the Artillery Ground at the ascension of Lunardi's balloon, he remarked to several persons present, "This is no novelty to me; I remember well, when I was at school in Ringwood [about the year 1757], an apothecary in that town that used to let off balloons (he had no other name, I suppose, to give them) on a smaller scale, but exactly corresponding with what he then saw, many a time."

I had several letters addressed to me, requesting further explanation, which, as my father was dead, I was unable to give. It is highly improbable that any persons now living may have it in their power to corroborate the fact, but some of their relations or descendants may. I suppose they must have been fire-balloons, and these of the rudest construction; and my father, being a boy at the time, would have given perhaps little valuable information except as to the name of the apothecary, which however I never heard him mention.

B. G.

Feb. 6. 1850.

BOOKS AND ODD VOLUMES WANTED TO PURCHASE. (In continuation <tf Littt informer No$.) Odd Volumtt and Plate*. ENGRAVINGS FROM COTMAN'S NORFOLK BR SSES. SIK JOHN CURSON. 1471. Belauxh. LADY JOAN PLAYH. 1385. Ingharn LADY KLA STAFLETON. 1425. Inpham. SOUTHKY'S HISTORY OF THE PENINSULAR WAR. SYO. Vol. III. LONDON MAGAZINE. 1762 an.l 17'i 1 '. CuviBR's ANIMAL KINGDOM. By GRIFFITH. 1830. Part XXIV. fiiMr.K's POETICAL WORKS. Edinburgh. 1782. 12mo. (BitLL'i Pfcrw.) Vol. xiv. ANTI- JACOBIN HBVIBW. VoU. LI. and LH. Du CANGP. GLOSSAHII-M. (Sig. Oij, Oiij, or page* 213220., LIG-LJM, in Vol. IV.)

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