Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 6.djvu/342

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NOTES AND QUERIES. m»‘13.1m FOR SELLING YOEIMR OLD hx “Buy1n§"nnN:-J:’ n se w vsn _ mean?3t:t:lE'°E;eEhE:°Ag::|?1Ieem:u: ln the |AZA.Al&XCHANGE- and llnB.T Newspe r Tfensectlous are earrled tfhmush easily, qnlehly privately. amy, and eneeply The oost ol Advertlslng Is on y ld lor'every 3 words. Or you need msrel! ll"°l' I-5° PUUUIN4 Advertisements ol whleh there ere severel hundreds ln ever! ill"- 'rhe Paper ls to he bought at ell Newsegente' end 'Boolntells pr-lee 2d,, or specimen Copy wlll he sent dlroet from the Omee lor sd. ln sumps. '|'he Journel eonmns a consldsnble amount ol Llwnry lan; of weglel Interest end ntlllty to Ameteurs.-0l‘llce= ITD, Btn-nd, ll Uh. now nanny, enconn EDITION, nnvxssn sud Auonxrrrsn. pl-lee supenee. ASTRONOMY for the YOUNG. ny w. 'r. LYNN, 1-Le. P.B.A.B. o. s‘roNslAN, ao. Werwlek une. nc. -NOW neun, encosn annlou, nxvxseu me nunenell-D. THE PENNY cHNoNoLoGY=m:° stings or D.v|.l’%"°'»..""l¥.3‘.‘.?2%l‘».3T° §&»'§?.5’§ll‘.?§.Y'°»§, w. ‘Q L§§‘§f‘l‘iX. F.B.LB. 0. erouauuz, ae, wsu-'len nu, nc. second ltdltlon, prlu Pourpenee. ‘BRIEF LESSONS in ASTRONOMY. By W. T. LY Nl, B.A. Y.B.L.!. "conveys s nut deel ol lnlormetlon wlthoet heme In any wey dry erteen|ueel."-[cease lsnurs. 0. BTOHBMAN, N, Wlrwlel IAM, l.C. New Bdltlon_ prlee Two Bhllllnge. ELESTIAL MOI IONS n Handy Book of 1 _ C Astronomy. Hlnth ldltlen. Wlth 8 Plates. By W. T. LYNN, BA. P.R.A.5. °° Bas, we are glsd to see. reeehed e ninth sdltlon, whleh susbloe this exeelleut lntroduetlou to the nets ol estrenomy to he brought up to date,"-Gsusrdusn. nuwum snnroau. mme s1,ouenpur ermnonmua cms. s_w. Fifth ldmes, leep, evo. eloth. prlee Blxpenne EMARKABLE ECLIPSES B Sketch of the Rl most tnsereatlng Glreumstenees eonnected with the Ohservstlon olholer end Lune! lelpeee,beth ll Anelent end Modern TIES. By W. T. LYNN, B A. l'.B.A.B. Biden: l. h’l‘AI1!08D,2daed|'l_ Ooehspur Bu'eet.®u ¢ Croce. 8.W. W M. & GEO. LAW. COFFEE-SUGAR-TEA 104. NEW OXFORD STREET. W.G. 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The Home ls replete with every oomlort. end, hun; the see truer, Iorms e most ehermlnf. resldenee lor those desIr.u| net end a tortnl|ht‘s solourn et th most lovely sesslde resort. All pertleulars end lonns of eppllmtlon nan be hed of the Beerotery, lr. Gen. Lenin. st the landon udloe, IS, Psternoster Bow. l.U. NEWBVENDORS' BENEVOLENT and PBOVIDINT INSTITUTION. Petrol: The Rlght Hon. the HAIL ol ROIIBBBY, LG. Pneldonte: The BI|ht lion. IDRD GLENEBK. BI! W. J. RICHMOND (X)‘l'ION. leuhllahed ln lm for |'rentIn¢ Penslons end Temporary Asalslnee tozrlnolpels or eeslslente engaged es vendors of nswsparera. Donation ol’ ‘len Gulnees eonetltutoe a Vlee-Prod ent end Eno three vous for llle st ell eleetluns. heh QDILKIUI ot Three 0 (Ives e vote et ell electlous for Ille. Every Lnnnel SIIQHXI' ll entldedtoone votaatelleleetlons ln roepon ot seehHvs8hlllln¢eeo Every men end women throughout the Unltod Kingdom, whether uhlIsher_ wholenler, rehller, emgleaer or employed, is entitled to geoomee member upon peyment o ve Bhllllngs ennnelly or Tluoo Gulnees fur I.lIe,provlded that he or ehe ls engaged ln the eele ol re. unwspe The .rgnultents now number thlrtydx the men reeelvlng 251. and the women ZX. per annum meh. Thue Eendohl. how IEUIIUIQ to lXJl.perennum,areell“edl|~omthedlvldeedserlsIn¢Iromthe invested ceplul ol the lu tntlon. The "Royel Vlelorln Pension Fund" 'll elhblllhod ln 181. It provldoa mnslone ol IM. a yeer eeeh lor four widows ol newsvendoro. The “wk Fund" provides pensions for one men IM. and one women Temgorery Belle! ls glven, not only to llemhers, but to newsvnndors or the servents who may he reeommended tor esslslnoe by llembere. In nlry le made end rellet ewerded in eeeordanee wtth the merits ot A use. W. WILKIII JONH, Baerehry. llemorlel Bell Bnlldlnn, hrrlngdon ltreet, ILO. CERTIFICATES of BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, and DEATHS. COPIES ol WILLS, Qc . Obtelnell. Pedigree! tuned. Armarlel Heerlngs examined end compared with the Dllielel Iieeorde. I-lereldle Queries enewered.-L. CULLBTON, Geneeloglst, 93, Plen- dllly, London. Prospectus post tree. (‘ULLETON'S ENGRAVING OFFICE, 92, Plcca- J duly, London, for the Artlstle Produetlon of l-lereldle Pelntlng, Bngrevnnq. ae. HOOK-HIIQI. Seals, Dlee, Llvery Buttons. Herneea Crests, Sl ver hdges. edel Dles, Crested Note-perer, Invlhtlon, Zgdegxg, end Vlslt | Cards, Memorlel Tehleta, tc. llnstralnd Prloe t . BOOKS.-ALL OUT~OF-PRINT BOOKS eup- plled, no mewer on whst Subject. Acknowledred the world ever es the must elven B-wtnnders 1-sunt. |'le||» nate wents.-BAKBEB Greet Bookshop, I6-16, John I:lrl|ht Street, Blrmln|he|n. ‘¥§ ,, _ ATHENEUM PRESS.-JOHN EDWARD FRANCIS. Prlnur of the Athmcum. Nous and Que:-sis, ie, ig proplred to SUBMIT B8'I`IMA‘l`ES lor lll klndh of BOOK. NEWS, elm l;;Bg.IODlCAL PRINTING.-IB, Brolm'| Bltlldlngs, chl|h&.f’ e, _ _ STICKPHAST PASTE I8 HEAPS better than Gum for stlcklng ln Scrape, Joining Papers, ie, 04, end l|, mph strong, naehl Brush (nov. e 'l`oy|. Ben two stunps to cover poetege lor e sample Bottle. lneludlng Brush. Factory, Sugar Lee! Court, Leedeuhel Street, B.C. 01 ell statloners. sttekphest Paste sticks. ’1‘I-IE AUTHOI-FS HAIRLESS PAPER-PAD. (The LBADBNHALL PRESS. Ltd., Pnhllehers end Pnnun 50, Leadenhall Street, London, HC.) ' t Contelnsshelrless pap;r,sover whleh the pen ellne with perfeet roedom ll nee one . . erd _ ul _ Elle. 51- Per dg:en, rnled or plelln. M" r .1 0: Pm- New Poaet Authsrt; =hau=l :lone it-h;;s‘l'he nlsedenhell PIKI, Ltd., eennot he n e ort e one . h th . De mvaa be n _ 1 02 o erwlse plleah ooplas