Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/176

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. ix. MARCH i, 1902.

i.e., the most distinguished graduate of the year. He appears to have been known in later life as the Baron de Gurbs. Informa- tion is desired as to this barony. Q. K. B.

HUXLEY AS REVIEWEE. In Darwin's 'Life and Letters,' vol. ii. p. 189, Huxley wrote : "The only review I ever had qualms of conscience about, on the ground of needless savagery, is one I wrote on the ' Vestiges. I believe Mr. Huxley's review of the 'Vestiges of Creation ' was written about 1853. Can any of your readers tell me where it was published? FRANCIS DARWIN.

Botanical Laboratory, Cambridge.

HYMN OF ST. PETER DAMIANI. Will you or any of your correspondents inform me in what work (easily procurable) I can find the Latin version of St. Peter Damiani's hymn "Ad perennis vitse fontem rneus sitivit arida"? ALEXANDER PATRICK.

1, Higher Brimley Terrace, Teignmouth.

[This hymn of Cardinal Damiani is given in Loftie's ' Latin Year, 3 p. 124, ' Dominica Quarta a Trinitate,' Pickering, 1873. This is not a common book, but some one may possibly be able to copy the poem for you at the British Museum or else- where. But for its length we would ourselves have quoted it. The 'Latin Year' is a book to be secured when it is found. Daniel's ' Thesaurus Hymnologicus,' Mone's 'Hymni Latini Medii ^-Evi,' and Trench's ' Sacred Latin Poetry ' will probably contain it ; but these we do not possess.]


the account of Robert de, Cofferer of the Wardrobe, 1330-32, in MS. Tanner 197, fp. 54 b, are two entries, marked in the margin " Cissura robarum Wallen- sium " :

" Audoeno ap yeuan & viij. sociis suis sagittariis Wallensibus de dono Regis pro cissura robarum suarum, cuilibet xijd. per manus dicti Audoeni ibidem [so. apud Bere Wicum super Twedam] xxiij die Aprilis, ix,s."

"Johanni le Waleys & Ade Gough sagittariis Walensibus de dono Regis pro cissura robarum suarum vtrique \ijd. per manus dicti Johannis ibidem secundo die Maij, ij,s\"

Are there any contemporary pictures showing in what way the Welsh dress had to be modified to suit that of English archers ?

O. O. H.

ARMS OF LE NEVE FOSTER. The arms of this family, I believe, are Argent, on cross sable five fleurs-de-lys. The crest is a lily springing from ducal coronet. I should like to know the family motto. P. L. N. F.

TITIAN'S 'SACRED AND PROFANE LOVE.' One or two years ago appeared in an English review or weekly paper a very interesting note on the so-called 'Amore Profano e

Sacro,' the famous picture of Titian in the Galeria Borghese. It was said that in a Paris edition of the * Argonautica ' of Valerius Flaccus, printed in the middle of the six- teenth century, a copy of the 'Amore Divino e Profano ' figured as a frontispiece, and that the tenor of the masterwork would be Venus persuading Medea to fly with Jason. I shall feel obliged for the name of the publisher.

DR. MAX MAAS. I Munich.

' SWEET RICHARD.' In Miss Strickland's ' Lives of the Queens of England,' vol. i., in the account of the life of Isabella of France, second wife of Richard II., occurs a reference to a ballad composed by Owen Glendower entitled 'Sweet Richard.' Can any one furnish information as to where the words of this ballad may be found ? E. A. M. [See 8 th S. ix. 388.]

'LA BLANCHE FEE.' Can any of your readers tell me the name of the author and publisher of a French song called 'La Blanche Fee,' which I used to hear some forty years ago in Paris and Versailles 1


Castle Pollard, Westmeath.

PARISH REGISTERS : THEIR CARE AND PRO- TECTION. I should like an expression of opinion from some of your readers more experienced than I am in such matters on the following state of affairs, which through a search made recently in the marriage registers of a certain parish (the parish shall be nameless in order to wound no suscep- tibilities) was disclosed to me by the corre- spondent who had undertaken the search on my behalf.

I was not seeking the date of the marriage that I knew already but I wanted to prove the existence at that date of a certain person, who was, I believe, one of the witnesses signing the record of that marriage, and accordingly I asked for a complete copy of that certificate of marriage. The reply comes back that the original registers, up to a certain date late in the eighteenth century, have been recopied and then destroyed. The copies omit the names of the witnesses and other matter not judged material, the object seemingly having been to reduce the number of volumes to be stored. The destroyed registers have therefore been replaced by a record taken from them, or purporting so to have been, which contains at the head of each page a note of the year, and then, in two columns, the precise date of the particular marriage in one column, and the names of