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s. ix. JAN. ii, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


The ' D.N.B.' mentions the presence of Henry' successors, whilst Nash omits these words. W. G. D. FLETCHER.

" PILLAGE, STALLAGE, AND TOLL " (9 th S. viii 420). The first word is doubtless a misreading oipiccage } which will be found in most English dictionaries. In 1376 the Corporation oi Calais was reconstituted on the English model, and it was enacted (' Rolls of Parlia- ment,' vol. ii. p. 359) that the mayor, alder- men, and commons should have the assize oi wine, bread, and ale, and "la stallage des Bouchers, et la stallage des Drapers et Mer- cers, et auxint le picage en la Marche."

The distinction between piccage&nd stallag.

will be noticed.

Q. V.

Bailey's English dictionary (1731) is useful for reference when old law terms are in ques- tion. " Pillage " is therein explained as in use among architects, and as meaning a square pillar that usually stands behind columns to bear up arches manifestly a support with a foundation. " Stallage" is the right to erect stalls, which need have no foundation in the ground ; it also includes the money paid for the right. The right is that of occupying the ground without breaking it. Is not " pil- lage" the right of occupying and breaking for the necessary support of the pillar 1 Some market-places have permanent fixed holes for this purpose, as at Cambridge. In many others the stalls are merely erected on the surface of the ground. By inference "pil- lage" would mean also the money paid for the right of setting up the pillar.


MERCHANTS OF LUKES : MERCHANTS OF LUK (9 th S. viii. 481). With regard to the above, I am of opinion that the extracts from the Hundred Rolls and the Patent Rolls set forth below are evidence that the merchants of Lukes and the merchants of Luk were merchants of Lucca, in Italy.

From the Hundred Rolls.

Permission for Lucas de Luk, Thomas of Basing, and other Lombards to export wool. Temp. Edward I.

Permission for Luc de Lukes and Deodatus and their fellows to export wool to Flandr'. Edward I.

From the Patent Rolls.

Luke of Lucca and colleagues, merchants of Lucca, appointed to collect the new cus- tom at Boston. 3 Edward I.

Receipt to Bauruncinus and Reyner de Luk, merchants of Lucca, for 3,000 marks paid into the Wardrobe at Chester. 10 Ed- ward I.

Luke de Luk and his fellows are requested to lend the king 500 marks for the expenses of his household. 3 Edward I.

Letters for Baruncinus de Lucca and Bur- nettus his son nominating Andrew de Flo- rentia their attorney. EDWARD J. LUCK.

LONDRES (9 th S. viii. 443). William de Londre (Loundre, Lounder, as the name is variously spelt) evidently did not come in with the Conqueror, as the first clear evidence we have concerning him is contained in the Bull of Honorius II., 1128, anathematizing him and several others, whose notions of meum^ and tuum were equally hazy, for "spoiling the Church." He appears to have been the founder of the family, and erected Ogmore Castle, in the county of Glamorgan. He evidently spelt his name Londre, if he could spell, and was, I think, an illegitimate son of the Conqueror. He was in high favour with Henry I., by whom this lordship marcher appears to have been bestowed upon him. He was the founder of Ewenny Priory in intention, although he did not live to complete it, and a fragment of his tombstone is extant there with grand Lom- bardic lettering. As evidence of spelling of the name see the seal attached to deed No. 176, Duchy of Lancaster records: "Vesica shaped, horse and rider, cour. to left, round

exergue Sigillum Will [ jndoniis" ; and

again, MS. 177. same series, grant by William de Londinis to his daughter Sibilla, on the seal of which the name is spelt " Lundonis." The Denultimate heiress, Haweisia, joined with Patric de Carducis in payment of a fine on obtaining seisin of the estates of his wife 19 Henry III. (1235) ; and the penultimate heiress of this branch, Blanche, on her marriage to John of Gaunt, carried these wide domains nto the royal house, where a small part vet remain as Duchy of Lancaster lands.

From various sources I have collected the pedigree and descent of the lords and ladies if Ogmore. They are not of sufficient public interest to give in ' N. & Q.,' as mainly lerived from contemporary MSS., lengthy, nd opening too many side issues of interest >nly to the genealogist and historian, but much at the service of those who care for uch curious information. G. E. R.

The Anglo-Norman family inquired about must have been so called from some early

onnexion with London. The only place in

STorthern France with a name resembling Condon is Londinieres, a canton in the de- )artment of Seine Inferieure. I suspect the ancestor of this family was a certain " Willel- mus nepos Episcopi" of Pomesday Book, a.