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Practical Handbooks. — lifisceUatuous {cotUinut^. XI. Borne Nursing: 'Mat PblD Dirscttou and Hints Im the Proper If umar of Bisk Foruoi, ud ths Bimt Ttsatutnt oC SliMM* uid AnidoiU la oacM of inddMi tmo^nuils. ^ Piu» U. 1 bi DOi^ li. Id, [Is the pnM. xn. Finis io Untrained Teachers: Belnif DlreotloiiBuidBiisrHtloiuFor tiisAnbtuuaof PuflnUuidathBim anfMvA Is liaiMi, prica lld.j bypoitWL rrrr . Practical Dressmaking : Bebu PUin Dfawrtlcmi (or TbUhe PatUnia, nttbiK on, OatOsg odE, Ttaltlag up, and TiliamlDf jAdl«' and Ghlldnn'H Dreu«fl. BjR. VtrHBOE, In pqHT, iirlOB li.; by pIMt, Is. Id. SIT. An Illustrated Catalogue of Ladies' and Children's Dress Patterns, att nMfnl Dentmi : eommltbitljuUti' DraiHi, MiatlM. a BoT'i OoMsium, OUli&«n'i ODdnUHn, LaUgf* Ow*. m weDl^lj deilfiiAd tnd pcflparad tor lU. Mkd Mb 1H rttoonk- , ti bahbiublauia luatDL niSiliit It »dM to wMkby wuk. •nd ■* praKDt sonlKiaa n««dr three handled ot Che aemM ud moai »einn«ble Poet rree on appUoation, F €{pr|flngF anil lIZflFt, AND JOURNAL OF THE HOUSEHOLD. ILLUSTRATED. For enabling peroona to Bn;, Sail, or Eioliuige ereiy deaoription of PriTate Fropert; on the beet terms, and with the least Inmble and eipense. The Qlobs Baya i " Like all grand oonoeptions, the prooeaa ia remarkable for ita aimplioilT." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One ittiie vneilj/ : Quarterlt/, 2>. Sd, ; Half-yaarly, 5>. id. ; Ttartj/, 10(. 84. Tvn Umm ueefclv ' Qi^arteriv, S«. id. ; Salfsearly, <M. %i. ; Tsorly, 21f . 4d. Thrte itnm wteitEy ; qaarttrh/, St. Od. ; BaU-^early, 16«. Od. ; Faariy, 80<. Od. I.OND0N OFFICE : 170, STEAND, W.C.