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BARNARD'S PATENT FOLDING HAMMOCK BASSINETTE AND BASKET. TheM are the Only BASSINETTES »witTd»d the Q»nd Msdalg, Diplonua of Honour, PmeB, and Honontable MentdonB otst all othen at the Qreat EihibitioD in Paria, 1878; Philadelphia, 1876, Tiensa, 1S73; in two groDps, Aleiandm Palooe, in 1BT5, for tiieic Ftaotioal Utility, Comfort, Convenience, Safety, Beanty, and Portability. BoBainette, prettily trimmed in Obints. Ditto, ditto, witb. Uualin and Iiaoe ... . Baskets to mstoh. i ., £3 9 .. aia 6 n 18 9 BABNASD'S new Patent FOLDINQ BI greatest Novelty of the Season. Lovers of these shonld inspect them i thor pretMnts. 3 foi Domestia Pets is tlis BRADLEY BARNARD, 107, ST. PATH'S BOAB, HIBHBnEY, LOHDOH, H.