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Carlisle Castle.

Three hundred and ninety-six men, of various ranks, became prisoners of the Duke by the recapture of the city. Hamilton, governor of the castle, and Colonel Townley, governor of the city, were subsequently executed in London, undergoing to the letter, as did all the long list of these prisoners, their whole horrid sentence of being half hung, embowelled while yet alive, and afterwards quartered. The heads of Hamilton, and Cappoch, the "rebel bishop," were sent to Carlisle and placed on the Scotch gate, and the heads of Captain Berwick and Lieutenant Chadwick were also sent, and placed on the English gate.

The August following 382 prisoners were sent here, after the Battle of Culloden. Of these, 125, all heavily ironed, were thrust into one room in the castle keep–probably the large cell on the ground floor–partial suffocation and indescribable miseries assailing them while they awaited the tender mercies of judge and jury. Many of these were afterwards executed, numbers at Gallows Hill in the ensuing October and November, among whom was Major McDonald of Kippoch, (the Fergus McIvor of Waverley,) a really brave and generous gentlemen, his head all beautiful with bonny bland locks "fearsomely" withering for long after on the Scotch Gate, he himself having, with his companions in sorrow, been hung, drawn, and quartered at the common place of execution, where now blooms the golden celandine encinctured with dappled daisies. Besides these, six were executed at Brampton, seven at Penrith, and twenty-two at York. So ended these last efforts of the Stuarts. They were gallantly made, but they shared the