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A CERTAIN Rajah had two wives, of whom he preferred the second to the first; the first Ranee had a son, but because he was not the child of the second Ranee, his father took a great dislike to him, and treated him so harshly that the poor boy was very unhappy.

One day, therefore, he said to his mother, 'Mother, my father does not care for me, and my presence is only a vexation to him: I should be happier anywhere than here; let me therefore go, and seek my fortune in other lands.'

So the Ranee asked her husband if he would allow their son to travel. He said, 'The boy is free to go, but I don't see how he is to live in any other part of the world, for he is too stupid to earn his living, and I will give him no money to squander on senseless pleasures.' Then the Ranee told her son that he had his father's permission to travel, and said to him, 'You are going out into the world now to try your luck; take with you the food and clothes I have provided for your journey.' And she gave him a bundle of clothes and several small loaves, and in each loaf she placed a gold mohur, that on opening it he might find money as well as food inside; and he started on his journey.

When the young Rajah had travelled a long way, and left his father's kingdom far behind, he one day came upon the outskirts of a great city, where (instead of taking the position due to his rank, and sending to inform the Rajah of his arrival) he went to a poor Carpenter's house and begged of him a lodging for the night. The Carpenter was busy making wooden clogs in the porch of his house, but he looked up and nodded, saying, 'Young man, you are welcome to any assistance a stranger may need and we can give. If you are in want of food, you will find my wife and daughter in the house—they will be happy to cook for you.' The Rajah went