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3 By these changes I often pass through
I am taught my own weakness to know ;
I am taught what my Shepherd can do,
And how much to his mercy I owe :
It is he that supports me through all ;
When I faint he revives me again ;
He attends to my pray r when I call,
And bids me no longer complain.

4 Wherefore then should I murmur and grieve,
Since my Shepherd is always the same,
And has promised he never will leave
The soul that confides in his name ?
To relieve me from all that I fear,
He was buffeted, tempted, and slain;
And at length he will surely appear,
Though he leaves me awhile to complain.

5 While I dwell in an enemy s land,
Can I hope to be always in peace ?
Tis enough that my Shepherd s at hand,
And that shortly this warfare will cease :
For ere long he will bid me remove
From this region of sorrow and pain,
To abide in his presence above,
And then I no more shall complain.

Return, O Lord, how long ?

1 RETURN to bless my waiting eyes,
And cheer my mourning heart, Lord !
Without thee all beneath the skies
No real pleasure can afford.

2 When thy loved presence meets my sight
It softens care and sweetens toil,
The sun shines forth with double light,
The whole creation wears a smile, .

3 Upon thine arm of love I rest,
Thy gracious voice forbids my fear ;
No storms disturb my peaceful breast,
No foes assault when thou art near.