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dream alluded to is one of the most perfect specimens on record of a real yet consistent dream, having a regular plot, a well-connected progress, and moral close. Newton himself, in his waking hours, never beheld such a vision of awe and glory. The incident of his looking from ship-board at the very instant after the loss of the ring, and seeing the range of Alps along the midnight horizon, bursting out into volcanic con flagration, presents an image of consummate terror and sublimity.*

  • " The scene presented to my imagination was the harbour

of Venice, where we had lately been, I thought it was night, and my watch upon the deck ; and that, as I was walking to and fro by myself, a person came to me, (I do not remember from whence,) and brought me a ring, with an express charge to keep it carefully ; assuring me, that while I preserved that ring I should be happy and successful ; but if I lost or parted with it, I must expect nothing but trouble and misery. I accepted the present and the terms willingly, not in the least doubting my own care to preserve it, and highly satisfied to have my happiness in my own keeping. I was engaged in these thoughts, when a second person came to me, and, observing the ring on my finger, took occasion to ask me some questions concerning it. I readily told him its virtues ; and his answer expressed a surprise at my weakness in expecting such effects from a ring. I think he reasoned with me some time, upon the impossibility of the thing, and at length urged me, in direct terms, to throw it away. At first I was shocked at the proposal ; but his in sinuations prevailed. I began to reason and doubt ; and at last plucked it off my finger, and dropped it over the ship's side into the water, which it had no sooner touched, than I saw at the same instant, a terrible fire burst out from a range of mountains (a part of the Alps) which appeared at some distance behind the city of Venice. I saw the hills as distinct as if awake, and that they were all in flames. I perceived, too late, my folly ; and my tempter, with an air of insult, informed me, that all the mercy God had in reserve for me was comprised in that ring, which I had wilfully thrown away. I understood, that I must now go with him to the burning mountains, and that all the flames I saw were kindled on my account. I trembled and was in a great agony ; so that it was surprising I did not then awake ; but my dream continued, and when I thought myself upon the point of a constrained departure, and stood self-con-