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Mr. Weber observes upon the passage, that "this singular rhyme strongly supports the opinion of Wallis and of Tyrwhitt in his Essay on the versification of Chaucer, that the final e which is at present mute, was anciently pronounced obscurely like the e feminine of the French."

Mr. Weber is so faithful and accurate an editor, that I doubt not the words fra me are divided as he has printed them in the manuscript which he has followed; but I find among my memoranda made in perusing Gower some years ago, some passages marked which lead to a contrary inference. In Berthelette's edition, 1554, this couplet occurs.

For love is ever fast byme
Which taketh none hede of due tyme.

ff 81.

And again,

So that the more me mervaileth
What thyng it is my lady aileth,
That all myn herte, and all my tyme
She hath, and do no better byme.

ff 108.