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double dipping: an instance when a hybrid journal that levies an article processing charge also charges for subscriptions without offsetting the subscription price to reflect revenue claimed from the APC

embargo: a delay period required by some publishers before they will allow open access (green or gold) on a piece of work. The embargo period for journals that allow green OA can be found on the publisher’s website or by using the SHERPA/RoMEO tool.

gold open access: scholarly material made open access directly on the publisher’s website. NB gold open access does not refer to any specific business model.

gratis open access: open-access material that is free of charge to read but with no additional permissions granted to redistribute, reuse or modify. Some refer to this simply as ‘open access’.

green open access: scholarly material made open access by deposit in a repository. NB green open access does not refer to any specific business model.

hybrid journal: a subscription journal that offers an open-access option

institutional repository: an archival space hosted by a higher education institution to facilitate green open access

libre open access: open access that is free of charge and that has lowered permission barriers. Some use simply ‘open access’ to refer to this.

LOCKSS: a digital preservation initiative, acronym for Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe

mandate: a requirement that work be made open access, usually requested and enforced by a government, funding body or institution

metadata: peripheral information about an object, in this case a scholarly resource. For instance, author, affiliation, title, date published, journal name, issue, volume etc. are all pieces of metadata pertaining to a journal article.

open access (OA): the removal of price and permission barriers to research through the use of the internet and more liberal licensing agreements. See also ‘green open access’ and ‘gold open access’. For open access that distinguishes between the types of permission, see ‘gratis open access’ and ‘libre open access’.