Page:Outlines of European History.djvu/372

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314 Outlines of European History the revolution of the third century a.d. What happened to the highest civihzation? What kind of a Roman state issued from this revolution ? Who organized it ? What was now the character of taxation ? What was the result ? Describe the army under Diocletian and later. Discuss literature and art under the declining Roman Empire. Section 49. Where was the Emperor's new residence and who founded it ? Tell what religion now triumphed and how it came about. How was the Christian Church organized and what were bishops and archbishops .'* What privileges are granted to the Christian clergy in the Theo- dosian Code.? Define heresy." How were heretics treated according to Roman law.? Section 50. Sketch the career of man to the fall of ancient civilization. What influences were the leading ones in the Eastern Empire.? What were the greatest ofiices of Rome? Discuss the unity of the Empire after the founding of Constantinople. What happened to Rome and the West? How long did the Eastern Empire survive, and what was it like ?