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529; not less barren than London, 371–373; table for, 410.

Hale, Sir Matthew, on Graunt's Observations, xlv; cited by Petty, 463.

Halifax, Sir George Savile, first marquis of, 631 n.; his recoinage project, lxi, 438, 439.

Halley, Edmund, on the authorship of the Observations, xli; Graunt's influence on, lxxvii; letter of H. Justel to, 522, 523.

Hamburg, shipping of, 251.

Hampshire, a parish in (i.e. Romsey), 371, 412.

Hands the father of wealth, lxxi, 68, 377.

Harbours of Holland and of France, 257.

Hardinge, W. H., on Petty's accuracy, xxi n.; on his Essay on Ireland, 548.

Harrington, Sir James, influence upon Petty, lxii; political ideas, 23.

Hartlib, Samuel, Petty's friend, xv; letters to, lvi.

Hawkins, Mr, 222.

Health of the city judged by the bills of mortality, 347.

Heart beats 3000 times an hour, 360.

Hearth money, nature of, 64; the best accumulative excise, 94; imposed in England, 460 n.; in London and in the country, 473; in Ireland, 190, 272 n., farmed, 497; payment of in flax proposed, 272, 273.

Hearths, and population, 534; in Ireland, 610; in Dublin, 497.

Heath, improvement of, 249, 303.

Heberden, Dr William, his labours on the London bills, 641.

Hemp, statute for planting, in Ireland, 218, 223; Russian, worked in Holland, 258.

Henry II., his invasion of Ireland, 157.

Henry VII.'s chapel, 531.

Henry VIII., feared the plague, lxxxi.

Herring exported from Ireland, 216, 296, 595.

Herring-tax, proposed for Scotland, 277.

Heterodoxy, causes of, 263; extent of, 362; effect of on trade, 263, 264; punishment of, 22, 70–73.

Hibernia Delineatio, studio Guilielmi Petty, 651.

Hides exported from Ireland, 296, 594, 609; from New England, 296.

Highlands of Scotland, a proposition for quitting, 285–290.

Highways, charge of, 20; making of, 29.

Hill, Dr Abraham, 624–625 n.

History, The, of Arts, Petty writes, 118 n.

History of the Down Survey, Petty writes, xxi, 650, 651.

History, The, of Trades, Petty writes, xv, 118n., 653.

Hoarding of good money, 443.

Hobbes, Thomas, Petty studies with him in Paris, xiv; how far his disciple, lxi, lxiii; his theory of value, lxxiii; his opinion on reading, lxi.

Hodge, W. B., on the authorship of the Observations, xxxix, li.

Hodges, Dr Nathaniel, lvii.

Hodgkin, J. Eliot, ix, lvi n, 212.

Holborn, 42, 381.

Holidays in Ireland, 216, 218, 223.

Holy Bible used by Petty, 198, 263, 384, 464–467, 477, 478, 577; as law, 67.

Hoyhead, 204.

Hooke, Robert, xxiv.

Hops, imported into Ireland, 596, 609.

Horace quoted by Petty, 49, 60, 501.

Horn for measuring diamonds, 626.

Horse, English, 31; duty on, 55; what one can transport, 249, 250; Irish, 166, 173, 175; exported, 594.

Horse (troops) of special advantage in Islands, 275.

Horsemens' beds, 207.

Hospital and Free School of King Charles II. in Dublin, 165.

Hospital for Soldiers, Dublin, 166.

Hospitals advocated, 29; of London and Paris compared, 508, 530; were omitted from the London bills, xc.

Hôtel des Invalides, 166.