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shall for your diversion insert a most true story, whereof there are many witnesses, and such who have often refreshed their memories concerning the matter, by the Entertainments they have made to their friends with it.

One Mr. Wadman, being in a fit of melancholy, reflecting upon the death of his wife, was visited by Sir Hierome; who taking notice of some odd expressions, did by and by fancy that the said Wadman was possess'd; that is, (to speak in the language of Sir Hieromes Order) enchanted. Hereupon Sir Hierome (as a Knight that discovered an excellent adventure) would needs undertake to cast out the Divel; which, when hee was doing, at the end of every period in the course of his Conjurations, hee would ask Mr Wadman how hee did? who alwaies answered with a sigh, All one: Inasmuch as at length, Sir Hierome being weary of his vain Exorcismes, was fain to say, that Wadmans Divel was of that sort which required Fasting as well as Prayer to expel it: whereupon, the Spectators observing how plentifully Sir Hierome had eaten and tipled that evening, did easily con-