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whisper any objection against my administrations of this kind; which being true, Sir, Although I had by sleights and artifices gotten 15000 Acres of Land; And although I had paid nothing for them, instead of paying more then any others did, & since I was by that employment hindred from the most profitable Traffique that ever Ireland afforded, and for which I was as well furnished and fitted as any others were: And lastly, since I had no other Recompence for four years danger and drudgery; I say, these things being true,

Where is the abominable wrong? For even by that reckoning I should have had not full one per Cent. whereas Merchants Factors have two per Cent. from their Principals, for driving of a single Bargain, concluded at an Exchange-time, or over one Pinte of wine; whereas my work was for four years continual Agony. I say, that though I had absolutely cousned the State and Army of one per Cent. (whereas I have abused neither) having paid 30 per Cent. more then others; yet if I have kept all others from cousening them, it were no improvidence to connive at so moderate and convenient a miscarriage;