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ANECDOTA BAROCCIANA. The scholars of the present day have been so indus- trious in collecting Anecdota from the manuscripts of the continental libraries, that little now remains to be gleaned from that quarter. Our own too, I fancy, are pretty nearly exhausted. Yet now and then a scrap may be discovered, which, if it contains unpublished remnants of the great clas- sical writers, cannot but be deserving of notice. The fol- lowing grammatical eooeerpta Trepl ldapj3apLO'juiOv Kal ^oXol- KLdixov come under this description. They are found in a Baroccian MS. of the Bodleian Library, No. 2l6. f. 101, and so far as I know have never been printed, though they may exist in other libraries. Valckenaer published two Opuscula on the same subject at the end of his Ammonius; but they are very different from these. The first fragment here given is very similar to what is said on the same sub- ject in the Greek Grammar of Theodorus Prodromus, a writer who flourished in the twelfth century. The second may perhaps be from Herodian, whose treatise ire pi ^x^- ixarwv occurs in the same MS.^ Ttor Trept Ta? Xe^et? ajmapTfjiuaTcov a /mev irepl juiav Xe^tv yiveTai^ co^ o papjoapiajuio^' a oe irepl Xoyov^ C09 o aoXoiKicr/uLO^' a oe Tvepl evaXXayrjv Xe^eco^ ev crvvra^ei, cos >7 CLKvpoXoyia. l^apfiapicTfxo^ eariv a^apTrjfxa eV /jllol Xe^ei irepl tyjv Trap eKacTTois avvrjueiav, Tlverai oe KaTa rpoirov^ Tecraapa^' ev- c€iav' TrXeovaajiiov' ixerdOeaiv' €vaXXayi]v' rjri^ avTiOecris KoXelrai. Kara ^ev ovv evoeiav^ eiTi^ Xeyoi ArjiuocjOeve X^oph TOt/ a Kai yeypa(pav Kat TreTroirjKav dvTi tov yeypd- (pacTLV Kal TreTToirjKaortv' Trepl oe TrXeovacrjULOv^ e'/ris XeyeL Altjyivria aw tco a' Kai eXeyoav Kal ecpepoav dvrl tov eXeyov 1 This MS. is described briefly enough in the Bodley Catalogue as "Schedae aliquot in Pergameno variae formae et argumenti/' The best part however is written on paper.