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276 On the Attic Dionysia. M^i/a oe ArivaiiUva, kcik yjuara, (iovcopa iravra^ l^ovTov dXevaaOaiy kql Trrjydoas^ clIt eiri yaiav IlvevaavTo^ BojOeao SvcrtjXeyee^ TeXeOovaiv. a description which might suit the Attic Poseideon, but could never have applied to Anthesterion, the month of flowers^ Lenoeon however, as we learn from the Greek Scholia on He- siod (E. K. H. 502) was not a Boeotian, but an Ionian month: and the question is, to which month of the Attic year it corresponds. Its place in the calendars of the Ionian cities, among which it was generally, if not universally received, is determined by unquestionable authority. In an inscription containing the names of magistrates of Cyzicus, two consecu- tive lists are headed as follows^: E] nPYTANEY2AN MHNA nOSEIAEWNA K [EKA] AAI] A2AN MHiNA AHNAIWNA EnPYTANEYSAN MHNA AHNAIWjNA K EKAAAI [A2AN] MHNA ANeESTHPIWNA. The same inference may be drawn from a passage of Aristides^. Hence it appears that the Ionian Lenaeon cor- responded to the Attic month Gamelion : which by its position in the Attic calendar suits Hesiod'^s description still better than Poseideon. Now the Ionian festivals and the order of their celebration, were undoubtedly derived from the mother city, as we know in the case of the Anthesteria from Thucydides, who informs us (ii. 15) that this, the more ancient festival of Bacchus, was celebrated by the Athenians on the very same day of the month named after it, as among the lonians in his own time. In the period therefore of the Ionian migration ^ Harpocrat. 'AvQeaTi^puov, oy^oos /xtfy ovto^ Trap* WBijvaioL^f lepo^ Alovv(tov. "loTTpos de ev toT^ tt/s (rvvayodyi]^ KeKXrjadat cj)tj(TLv avTov Slo, to irXelo'Ta t(Zv eK ttJs 7^7^ dvQelv tot€. Anacreon ap. Eustath. p. 1012, 1. 1. Mels fxev ^rj Yioarei^yfCwv ecTTi]K€y vecpeKai h' voaTL (SapvvovTai, aypioi ^h yeifxitive^ Trai-ayovoL. Twesten, CommentatiO Crittca d£ Hesiodi Carmine quce inscribitur Opera et Dies, p. 61, suspects the lines of Hesiod which describe Lenaeon, the only month named in the poem, to be inter- polated. Still they would be evidence of the place it occupied in a very ancient calendar. , "» Caylus Rec. d'Antiq. ii. P. 111. Tab. 68-70. 5 I. p. 274-200 Jebb.