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Miscellaneous Obscvvatioris. 089 Kacc aeipe KvXi-^vat^, jmeyaXais, avaToiraucLKai^, The handles of cups were called wra^ which the ^olians wrote avuTu. The compound word ovaTOKoiTrj^^ occurs in Nonnus Dionys. xxvi. p. 682, and xxx. p. 782. There is another fragment of Alcaeus which has not less puzzled critics who have made the fragments of that Poet their particular study. It occurs in Hesychius under the word ' ETriTn^evwv eTnpXeirwv' AioXi/ccS? tzal 'AXkoIo^' rjirov avvayarSpcov ^a-' G^evov aTpaTov voiuicrjuievoi Trveoiaa. The different conjectures of the learned on this passage may be seen in Albertius' Notes to Hesychius, Bp Blomfield's and Matthiae's editions of the Fragments of Alcaeus. They all fail, I think^ in having no noun to agree with irveoicra, the principal word of the example. The following attempt is at least not liable to this objection : 'HTTOf (jvvaycv avcpcov cvajuevecov GTpaTov €^€(JL^ /uevec TTveoiaa. The gloss seems to require eirnrveoKxa, but perhaps the Gram- marian only wished to point out the ^olic participles of irvew^ which occurred in Alcaeus. Athen. xiv. p. 645 A. *Aju(j}i(pwv, rnrXaKov^ *ApTe/ULiSi ava- Kcifxevo^, €')^€i o €i^ kvkXco Kaojmeva caoia. ^lXyjixwv ev YItodyvj 7] 'Pooia 'ApT€/ui, (piXr] ceairoiva, tovtov ctol (pepoo CO TTOTi'L 5 a/ji(pL(p(jovTa. HUL aTTOi^crjaijua, The word aTrovS/jaijua is acknowledged to be corrupt, and Coray in the Supplement to Schneider^s Gr. Lexicon, proposes reading kuI crTrov^d^ ajma — perhaps it should be GTro^ijaijmot^ from cnroSeco, to toast on the coals ; whence bread so baked was called crTro^iTrj^ apro^^ I. A. C. II. Notice of MicaWs History of the Ancient Nations of Italy. MicALi has recently published at Florence a Storia degli antichi popoli Italiani, in part founded on his former book, ritalia avanti il dominio dei Romani, but for the most part a new work. Without adopting the historical system of Niebuhr with respect to the primitive inhabitants of Italy,