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for their former kindness, which are Gabriel, Michael, Yar, Nisan, &c.

The Jews began now to divide themselves into two sects, the Sadducees and Pharisees, the former adhering to the ancient theology, and believing only in the five books of Moses, denying the being of angels and spirits, the immortality of the soul, and the resurrection of the body; and the latter following the new theology, which increased but little until the days of Plato, the divine visionary, who first founded the doctrine of the Trinity, known by the epithets of Demiourgos, the Logos, and the Spirit; these are beautifully illustrated by Macrobius, from whom we have taken the following quotation:—

The epithet piter, or father, Soul of the world, having been applied to the demi ourgos of Plato, gave rise to an ambiguity which caused an enquiry to be made respecting the son of this father. In the opinion of the philosophers the son was understanding, Nons and Logos, from which the Latins made their Verbum. And thus we clearly perceive the origin to the eternal father and of the Verbum his son, proceeding from him (Mens ex Deo nata, says Macrobius): the anima or spiritus mundi was the Holy Ghost; and it is for this reason that Manes, Basilides, Valentinius, and other pretended heretics of the first age, who traced things to their source, said, that God the Father was the supreme inaccessible light (that of the heaven, the