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uncleanly animals gives people certain diseases; we will say, for short, 'I Am' does not intend the Hebrews to eat the flesh of those animals. We know that if people are dirty in their habits and careless in preparing their food and in washing their hands before they touch food, they get fevers; we will suppose that 'I Am' does not intend the people of Israel to be dirty in their habits. We know that if people burn things the smoke of which makes them drunk and silly, they manage their affairs badly, and make mistakes, and do not grow their crops properly, and are not ready to fight when enemies attack them. The people in neighbouring countries say that the Maker of things likes or dislikes to smell the smoke of these drugs; they know no more than we do what He likes to smell, but we are going to suppose that 'I Am' does not like us to smell them."

The Hebrews never found out what "I Am" is; but those who stuck loyally by the hypotheses of Moses, and refused to be distracted from the matter in hand, or to talk about anything except