Page:Pocahontas and Other Poems (NY).pdf/64

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"And deliver them who, through fear of death, were all their lifetime subject to bondage."—Hebrews, ii., 15.

Afraid to die!—afraid to sleep
    In earth, our mother's tranquil breast,
Where snares and troubles vex no more,
    And all the weary are at rest?

Afraid to die!—afraid to take
    His hand who trod the shadowy vale,
And leads us on to pastures green,
    And living streams that never fail?

Afraid to die!—afraid to bear
    The pang that but a moment tries,
And, o'er the sway of pain and care,
    Ascend to mansions in the skies?

Afraid to die!—afraid to leave
    The cradle and the worthless toy,
And take our ripen'd being's crown,
    And soar to consummated joy?

Afraid to die!—afraid to trust
    His promise who shall burst the tomb,
And raise the renovated dust
    More glorious from its transient gloom?