Page:Pocahontas and Other Poems (NY).pdf/95

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I kiss your trunks, ye ancient trees,
    That often o'er my head
The blossoms of your flowery spring
    In fragrant showers have shed.

Thou, too, of changeful mood,
    I thank thee, sounding stream,
That blent thine echo with my thought,
    Or woke my musing dream.
I kneel upon the verdant turf,
    For sure my thanks are due
To moss-cup and to clover-leaf,
    That gave me draughts of dew.

To each perennial flower,
    Old tenants of the spot,
The broad-leaf'd lily of the vale,
    And the meek forget-me-not,
To every daisy's dappled brow,
    To every violet blue,
Thanks! thanks! may each returning year
    Your changeless bloom renew.

Praise to our Father-God,
    High praise, in solemn lay,
Alike for what his hand hath given,
    And what it takes away:
And to some other loving heart
    May all this beauty be
The dear retreat, the Eden-home
    That it hath been to me.