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Then from out her bower-chambère, did the Duchess May repair,—-
            Toll slowly!
"Tell me now what is your need," said the lady, "of this steed,
    That ye goad him up the stair?"

Calm she stood! unbodkined through, fell her dark hair to her shoe,—
            Toll slowly!
And the smile upon her face, ere she left the tiring-glass,
    Had not time enough to go.

"Get thee back, sweet Duchess May! hope is gone like yesterday,"—
            Toll slowly!
"One half-hour completes the breach; and thy lord grows wild of speech.—
    Get thee in, sweet lady, and pray.

"In the east tower, high'st of all,—loud he cries for steed from stall,"—
            Toll slowly!
"'He would ride as far,' quoth he, 'as for love and victory,
    Though he rides the castle-wall.'

"And we fetch the steed from stall, up where never a hoof did fall."—
            Toll slowly!
"Wifely prayer meets deathly need! may the sweet Heavens hear thee plead,
    If he rides the castle-wall."

Low she dropt her head, and lower, till her hair coiled on the floor,—
            Toll slowly!
And tear after tear you heard, fall distinct as any word
    Which you might be listening for.