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the spirit's whisper.
    O, could'st thou know how fair,
How full of blessedness this better land,
Thou would'st rejoice, thy child in safety there,
Had place for ever 'mid the angel band.

    I may not tell ?hee all
Its light and loveliness; its hymns of joy
Upon a mortal ear may never fall,
And tongues immortal can alone employ:

    But O, 'tis sweet to be
A sinless dweller 'mid its radiant bowers;
To join its seraph-songs of harmony—
To breathe the incense of its fadeless flowers—

    To dwell no more with pain—
To shed no tears—to feel no panting breath—
Sweet mother, do not grieve for me again,
I am so blest; I bless the hand of death.

    Turn with unwavering trust
From the green earth-bed, where my body lies;
Thou did'st but lay its covering in the dust,
Thy child yet lives, will live, beyond the skies.