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He hears no stifled wail,
    He marks no life-blood stream.
With ill-dissembled mien,
    Who wields yon vengeful rod?
Who made thee judge,—thou English queen!
    Her sins are with her God.

Hark! from yon mouldering cell
    The owl her shriek repeats,
And all the tissued spell
    Of wildering fancy fleets;
Lochleven's ruined towers
    Once more the moon-beams flout,
And tangled herbage chokes those bowers
    Whence the rich harp breathed out.

The lake's unruffled breast,
    Expands like mirror clear,
With emerald islets drest,
    Each in its hermit-sphere;
Yet, from those fair retreats
    Do mournful memories flow,
And every murmuring shade repeats
    Mary of Scotland's woe.