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At each pale twilight's fall
Along the woodlands dim,
Some spirit-voice has whispered me,
"A day's length nearer him!"

Oh, Loved! and Lost! I wait,
And dream of the To-Come!
In faith I'm trusting Death to bring
Me to my one dear home.
And in the golden glow
Upon that summer shore,
We shall clasp hands, to live and love
Through all Forevermore.

A halo crowns the purple hills,
The heaven in slumberous light distils,
Nature is still, a holy calm
On pulseless wings drops down its balm.

On azure seas cloud-vessels sail,
Their white wings flushed with roses pale;
And on the star-gemmed eastern heights
The night her bridal taper lights.

The whip-poor-will in ancient trees
Chants low his sacred melodies,
And from the swell of green uplands
The west wind utters its commands.