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Cobwebs curtain the dusky room,—
Filthiness carpets the floor;
While all day long with the ceaseless toil
My heart is growing sore.

Blighting ray young life's morn!
Hanging its sky with a shroud,—
Never dare I think of a dawn
Unhid in a dismal cloud!
Why not summon up death?
What is life here below?
What is a faint and flickering breath,
To balance this wearing woe?
Oh,God! oh,God! shall I bear it still?
Or, before Thou call'st me, go?

Ah! my sister's pallid face
Is holding me ever back!
I dare not shiver life's crystal vase
And step from the thorny track!
For I hear her moaning cries,—
Her hungry cries for bread,—
And to death and rest I close my eyes,
And ply my shuttle and thread;
For she would suffer, and die of want,
Were I with the blessed dead.

Oh for one little hour
Amid the fresh green grass!
To smell the balmy wild field flower,
And watch the shadows pass,—