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Mr. Swinburne's Works:

The Queen Mother and | Bothwell: Rosamond, Fcap. 8vo, 51. A Tragedy Two Vols. crown Atalanta in Calydon. Bvo, 12s, 6d, A New Edition, Crown 8vo, 6s. | George Ci ares astelard. An Essay. Crown 8yo, 75, o Tragedy. Crown 8vo, 75 Songs of Two Nations. Poems and Ballads. Crown 8vo, 6s, Feap, 8vo, gf. Also in crown | Essays and Studies, 8vo, at same price. Crown 8vo, 125. Notes on "Poems and | Erechtheus: Ballads." 8vo, 1. | A Tragedy. Crown 8vo, 6s, William Blake: | Note of an English ReA Critical Essay. With Facsimile publican on the Muscovite CrePaintings, Demy 8vo, 16s, sSadé, 8vo, 1s. Songs before Sunrise. A Note on Charlotte Bronté. Crown yo, ros. 6d. Crown 8vo, 6s,

MR, SWINBURNE'S NEW WORK. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 9s.


Also in fcap, 8vo, at same price, uniform with the First


o Feap. 8vo, cloth extra, 3 6d, a Rossetti's(W. M.) Criticism upon Swinburne's "Poems and Ballads."

. . . .

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 7s. 6d.

Swift's Choice Works, in Prose and Verse. With Memoir, Portrait, and Facsimiles of the Maps in the Original Edition of "Gulliver's Travels." "The 'Tale of a Tub' is, it my ee the aa nein ae Cees certainly Rabelais has nothing su, im, coon in invent dente, fiat 50 fell ne 3 meaning, of si led vine saan The * le of the Books* Sask eit eae improvement om etre

that we can hardly own it as an imita "Uf he had newer written either the 'Tale of a Tab ar 'Guliiver's Travels,' kis mame mere!) eseed Grobe Rech connects To wu.hell tate Hed dows Gt posterity, with well-earned honours."—Hazlitt.