Page:Poems of William Dunbar (1834) Vol 2.djvu/46

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And thar, yeris seven
Scho levit a gud life,
And wes our Ledyis hen wyfe;
And held Sanct Petir at stryfe, 25
Ay quhill scho wes in hevin.

Scho lukit out on a day, and thoght ryght lang
To sé the ailhous beside, in till an evill hour;
And out of hevin the hie gait couth the wyfe gang
For to get hir ane fresche drink, the aill of hevin wes sour. 30
Scho come againe to hevinnis yett, quhen that the bell rang,
Sanct Petir hit hir with a club, quhill a gret clour
Rais in hir heid, becaus the wyfe yeid wrang.
Than to the ailhous agane scho ran, the pycharis to pour,
And for to brew, and baik. 35
Freindis, I pray you hertfully,
Gif ye be thristy or dry,
Drink with my Gudame, as ye ga by,
Anys for my saik.