Page:Poems of William Dunbar (1834) Vol 2.djvu/92

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Becaufs that Scotland of thy begging irkis, Thow fchaipis in France to he a knycht of the feild; 430 Thow lies thy clamfchellis, and thy burdoun keild, Unhoneft wayis all, wolronn, that thow wirkis.

Thow may nocht pafs Mont Bernard for wyld beillis, Nor win throw Mont Scarpry for the fnaw; Mont Nicholace, Mont Godard the arreiftis, 435 Sic beis of briggand blindis thame with ane blaw. In Paris with thy Maifter bnrreaw Abyd, and be his prenteifs neir the bank, And help to hang the pece for half ane frank, And, at the laft, thy felf mon thoill the law. 440

Haltand harlott, the devill a glide thow hes! For fait of puiflance, pelour, thow mon pak the; Thow drank thy thrift, and als wodfett thy clais, Thair is na Lord in fervice that will tak the. Ane pak of fla-ikynis, fynance for to mak the, 445 Thow fall reflaif, in Danikyn, of my tailye; With "De profundis" fett the, and that felye, And I fall lend the blak Devill for to bak the.

Into the Katherene thow maid ane fowll kahnte, For thow bedrait hir, donn fra ftern to fteir; 450 Uponn hir fyddis wes lene that thow cnld fchute, The dirt cleivis till hir towis this twenty yeir: The firmament nor firth wes nevir cleir,

Quhill thow, devillis birth, Denlbeir, wes on the lee,